EndoShunt boasts a robust patent portfolio

welcome to EndoShunt

Intellectual property

  • USPTO non-provisional application 17/656390.
  • USPTO provisional application 63/166,133
  • Temporary endovascular shunting.
  • Guirlewire free catheter deployment

Length Adjustable Occlusion Zone

Temporary Deployment

Atraumatic Catheter Tip

Intuitive Control

Ergonomic Handle

Length Marking

EndoShunt boasts a robust patent portfolio, securing its groundbreaking endovascular shunt technology for critical blood vessel conditions. The portfolio includes US Patent Office Application 990504171 with patent number US-20220305241-A1, a non-provisional utility patent claiming priority with provisional application No. 63/166,133. Collaborating with esteemed law firm Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP, EndoShunt strategically ensured a high-value patent portfolio, safeguarding freedom to operate and patentability.

EndoShunt received valuable expertise and guidance through a collaborative effort with Tennessee Patents, a pro bono initiative supporting entrepreneurs and solo inventors. This support, combined with Eversheds Sutherland’s strategic partnership, positions EndoShunt at the forefront of medical device innovation.

With these strategic collaborations, EndoShunt demonstrates its dedication to advancing endovascular technology and transforming patient care on a global scale. The company’s patent portfolio stands as a testament to its trailblazing role in the medical device market.